
Lawrence SDA Church Children's Sabbath School


Heroes of the Bible


All the Heroes of the Bible point to

our Super Hero, THE SHEPHERD.

This quarter we studied the life of David.




As a shepherd boy he pointed to THE SHEPHERD who tenderly

protects and cares for his flock (those who believe). We learned how

the Shepherds rod is used to fight off the enemy and direct the sheep.

His staff may be used exert His authority, yet gently and firmly bring

the sheep back in the right direction. We saw the promise of Psalm

91 that "thy rod and thy staff they comfort me". David's sling was a

protective measure for the sheep. God has placed a fence around us.

(Isaiah 5:2)




With Goliath we see our Redeemer as David takes down Goliath "in the name of Yahweh". Goliath represents the "giants" in our life overcome only by the power of THE SHEPHERD.


Note the stone that brings Goliath down!



1 Samuel 17:47

And all this assembly shall know that Yahweh saves not with sword and spear: for the battle is Yahweh's!        



In playing his harp for King Saul to drive away

the evil spirits we see the Spirit of God upon

our lives to protect us from evil. In praise and

thanksgiving to our Saviour we played the harp.




Jonathan, the son of King Saul, loved David as his own soul.



Jonathan gave David his garment, sword, bow and girdle. Receiving

any part of the dress worn by a sovereign or his eldest son was the

highest honor which could be conferred on a subject. Our

SHEPHERD loves us and wants to be our best friend and He is a

Friend that sticketh closer than a brother! Our SHEPHERD has

offered us a wedding garment. Will you accept this garment from the

King of Kings?

King Saul tried to take David's life and David hid

in a cave. When the king enters the cave David

quietly cuts off a piece of his robe.



David becomes king, first to rule over Judah then over all Israel.

Our Super Hero would like to rule over your life. Very soon he will

return to rule over "all Israel". Would you like to be a part of His


"Thy Word have I hid in my heart."

We learned our Memory Verses through song.